oil meal 意味

発音を聞く:   oil mealの例文
  • 油粕{あぶらかす}


        oil-meal:     óil-mèal 【名】 粉末の油かす《肥料?家畜飼料》.
        oil seed cake and meal:    
        oil-seed cake and meal:    植物性の油粕
        soybean (oil) meal:    soybean (oil) meal 豆粕 まめかす
        a meal:    a meal 一飯 いっぱん 膳部 ぜんぶ
        meal:     1meal n. 食事, 食物. 【動詞+】 continue one's meal 食事を続ける A friend and I lived together and cooked our own meals. 友人と 2 人で自炊生活をした devour a meal がつがつ食事をする dispatch a hasty meal 食事
        oil:     oil n. 油; 石油; 油絵; 《口語》 おべっか. 【動詞+】 add oil to the fire 火に油を注ぐ This stove burns oil. このストーブは石油を燃料とする I can't believe that she's so overworked she has to burn the midnight oil. 深夜
        oil in:     oíl ín [óut] [自]((英略式))こっそり入る[抜け出す].
        on the oil:    酒宴たけなわの
        to oil:    to oil 油を引く あぶらをひく
        a simple meal:    a simple meal 一汁一菜 いちじゅういっさい
        abstemious meal:    粗食{そしょく}
        after a meal:    after a meal 食後 しょくご
        after meal:    《after (a) meal》食後{しょくご}に
        airplane meal:    機内食{きないしょく}


  1. "oil manufacturer" 意味
  2. "oil manufacturing company" 意味
  3. "oil market trend analysis" 意味
  4. "oil massage" 意味
  5. "oil material sales company" 意味
  6. "oil merchandiser" 意味
  7. "oil meter" 意味
  8. "oil mill" 意味
  9. "oil mine" 意味
  10. "oil massage" 意味
  11. "oil material sales company" 意味
  12. "oil merchandiser" 意味
  13. "oil meter" 意味

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